Using Owned Assets to Enhance your Marketing
The impact of the removal of 3rd Party Cookies
3rd party cookies being disabled by Google by end 2024

Have you heard about 3rd Party Cookies and how Google is disabling them by the end of 2024 in their Chrome Browser, thus impacting the ability for marketers to reach the right audience with ads? If not, or if you would like to understand the situation better, you might be interested in reading the blog post by Contactpoint titled: "Zero Party Data instead of 3rd Party Cookies".

Update: On 23/07/2024 Google announced that they will no longer be removing 3rd party cookies from Chrome, in favour of making it easier for Chrome users to switch manage cookies through browser settings instead. Reuters reviews this decision in this article. But keep reading this post for more information about relying on your own data, rather than software tracking via cookies.

The cookie change is forcing marketers to work harder on growing their own databases, so that they can utilise what's referred to as "owned assets" for their marketing, rather than relying on ad platforms to find relevant audiences for them.

Enudge® has always relied on "owned assets". You must grow your own database, getting consent to email or SMS your customers as you do, in order to be compliant with the Spam Act, but also have a list of people to communicate with!

As your marketing matures, and your contact database grows, some of the ways that you might like to think about using your owned customer assets better includes:

  • Building interest groups - using categories within Enudge is a very easy way to create groups of customers who have made it clear to you that they are interested in a particular topic / product / service. Did you know that Enudge allows you to quickly add every contact who clicked on a particular URL in your Enudge email, into a selected category? You can also identify your most engaged contacts via the Email Advocates Report. In addition, your contacts can also be asked to choose their interests via public categories exposed in the Update Preferences screen.

    Customers are becoming more inclined to tell the brands they know and love, exactly what they want to hear about, so that they can receive more personalised content. Don't be afraid to ask your customers to help you understand and serve them better - using an email campaign to do that is a great idea!
  • Segmentation - sending different messages to different groups e.g. using the interest groups mentioned above, you can tailor messages better by sending relevant content to the people who have self-identified their interest in a particular topic, sub-topic, product or service etc.

    When you attach contacts to your email and SMS campaigns you can use the Enudge multi-criteria search to extract just certain, highly relevant contacts. For example, you might attach all the contacts who are located in a particular Australian state, who are in a particular category, and who don't work for a particular company. The possiblities are endless, but of course, rely on you having the relevant information held within your Enudge contact records.

    Alternatively, you can export subsets of your contacts from your internal customer database and import those into your campaign. If that's too hard, then you might like to consider importing additional data into Enudge and using Enudge's search to help.
  • Personalisation - adding deeper personalisation into your email and SMS messages. There are 15 custom fields that you can use to add unique content relevant to your organisation for this purpose (along with the standard information you would have about your contacts). If that's not enough, you can also add additional fields against a specific email campaign using the upload from CSV option when adding contacts to your campaign.
  • Programmatic content - taking personalisation one step further, an Enudge enterprise licence provides the ability to insert different content into your campaigns, on-the-fly, depending on the value of a contact field attribute. As an example, if you want to insert a different offer into your email message based on the Australian State that your contact is in, Enudge programmatic functionality allows you to do that.


If you would like help enriching your owned assets using Enudge® get in touch so we can assist.